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  • 航拍加州水域罕有出現白鯨 被懷疑是俄國動物「間諜」

航拍加州水域罕有出現白鯨 被懷疑是俄國動物「間諜」

By | 2020-07-06T16:25:06+08:00 2020-07-06|Tags: , , |

美國生態旅遊代理 Gone Whale Watching San Diego 表示,6 月最後一個星期成為了該公司史上最厲害的賞鯨周之一,共看到了 5 種鯨魚和 4 種海豚,包括首次在加州水域發現白鯨(Beluga Whale)。這些海洋稀客暢泳的畫面都被航拍下來。

Sighting of a Lifetime

In our company sightings log, we have a category for every single species we can see in our waters. However, we also have a special categoy titled "Extreme Exotic Species". Today we entered BELUGA WHALE into that category, thanks to help from Lisa LaPointe and @Chris Faist who were first on scene with what they felt was something impossible. We decided it was worth it to take the shot and check out this strange sighting report. As we got on scene, this animal was next to impossible to get close too, but it sure did appear to be the unicorn we suspected it to be. At one point, the animal disappeared for 30 minutes without us getting any kind of incontrovertiable proof of the Beluga Whale identification. Luckily, it was our boat that relocated the animal, and it was close enough to us that Capt. Dom was able to get his drone over this pearly white animal and offically prove what we all knew: This was a BELUGA WHALE in San Diego waters! This is the first time a Beluga Whale has been documented anywhere near California, as it is over 6,000 miles from its regular home. We aren't really sure how this sighting was possible, but we hope this footage might help the experts come up with some theories! By the way, we also saw Blue Whales, Fin Whales, and Humpback Whales today! What an amazing day aboard Gone Whale Watching!

Posted by Gone Whale Watching San Diego on Friday, June 26, 2020
白鯨在 26 日早上在加州聖地亞哥的米申灣以西數英里處被發現。


Gone Whale Watching San Diego(GWWSD)在 Facebook 專頁指出,在該公司的目擊紀錄中,每種在水域中發現的品種都會被定性為一個類別,另外還有一個特殊類別﹐名為「極端外來/奇異品種(Extreme Exotic Species)」。就在 6 月 27 日,白鯨被他們歸入這一類別。


攝影師 Lisa LaPointe 及 Chris Faist 首先發現白鯨的身影,但覺得不太可能。GWWSD 認為這份奇怪的目擊報告值得前往一探究竟。當他們到達現場時,白鯨幾乎無法接近,更一度消失了 30 分鐘。幸好,船員再次定位到白鯨,而且距離更近。Captain Domenic Biagini 於是啟動無人機,拍攝出現在聖地亞哥水域的珍珠白色巨型海洋生物。這也是首次有白鯨在加州附近任何地方被記錄下來,因為這距離其生活的北極和亞北極水域約 6,000 英里。

Biagini 坦言,見到有離家很遠的鯨魚,就好像是在家後院見到一隻北極熊,強調了這是多麼罕見的發現。他說:「我的下巴掉下來,我必須把它備份起來,因為我完全知道自己在看什麼。」

A Historic Week of Whale Watching!

Last week was one of the most remarkable weeks of whale watching in our company's history! 5 species of whale were sighted as well as 4 species of dolphin! We were "mugged" multiple times by the largest animal on earth, documented the first ever Beluga Whale sighting in California waters, became enchanted with a cow/calf pair of Fin Whales, and we were blown away by a kelping, mugging, and breaching Humpback Whale!Species encountered:Blue WhalesFin WhalesHumpback WhalesMinke WhalesBeluga WhaleCommon DolphinsBottlenose DolphinsPacific White-Sided DolphinsRissos DolphinsTomorrow we're heading for San Clemente Island first thing in the morning, and were hoping to encounter something epic!Video by Capt. Dom (@DolphinDroneDom) and First Mate Erin Chandler (@Girlmeetsshark)www.gonewhalewatching.com

Posted by Gone Whale Watching San Diego on Tuesday, June 30, 2020
Gone Whale Watching San Diego 在 6 月最後一周共發現 5 種鯨魚和 4 種海豚。

GWWSD 6 月在聖地亞哥水域看到了以下品種的鯨魚和海豚:

藍鯨 Blue Whales
長鬚鯨/鰭鯨 Fin Whales
座頭鯨 Humpback Whales
小鬚鯨 Minke Whales
白鯨 Beluga Whale
普通海豚 Common Dolphins
寬吻海豚 Bottlenose Dolphins
太平洋短吻海豚 Pacific White-Sided Dolphins
灰海豚/里氏海豚 Rissos Dolphins


然而,由於白鯨在加州海域出現相當罕見,而且現身的聖地亞哥米申灣/美遜灣(Mission Bay)附近是洛瑪角軍事基地(Naval Base Point Loma),所以被懷疑是俄國「間諜」。有傳,美方曾派出艦機搜捕這頭白鯨,但一無所獲。

航拍加州水域罕有出現白鯨 被懷疑是俄國動物「間諜」

據悉,美俄均有訓練動物作為間諜。去年 5 月,挪威民眾曾發現一頭綁著相機的白鯨,相機上寫著「聖彼得堡設備」字樣。發現地點距離俄羅斯北方艦隊大本營僅幾百公里,挪威軍方懷疑白鯨乃俄羅斯訓練的動物間諜。

【延伸閱讀】好奇鯨魚寶寶游向衝浪客噴水擺尾 航拍紀錄珍貴時刻
【延伸閱讀】Sphyrna 水上無人機靜音航行 助科學家研究鯨魚習性
【延伸閱讀】紐西蘭海上科研航拍驚喜 罕見布氏鯨魚覓食全過程

資料、圖片來源:Gone Whale WatchingDaydayNews

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